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John Hodgson

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Gender Diversity In Pharma: Caught Between Desire And Reality

Charting the executive gender mix across 384 companies from mid-2014 to mid-2019 demonstrates that C-suite gender balance in pharma is moving towards a point that more closely reflects its total workforce, but that progress has been slow and that there is a long road to travel before the transformation is complete. 

Leadership Strategy

Women In High Places: Slow Progress In Pharma

With gender diversity only slowly increasing in biopharma c-suites, Scrip spoke to executives from five companies about the importance of change.

Leadership Strategy

Stock Scan April 2018: Pharma's Fizz Falls Flat

In a flat month, the market value of big pharma changed little overall. But the balance of power in immuno-oncology did shift significantly.

How To Grow A Drug - 2017 Top Sellers

What does a good drug launch look like? Is pharma getting better at them? Which drugs are likely still to be in the top 20 in five years' time? Get the picture with Scrip's interactive infographic.

Commercial Growth

Billion Dollar Bets, Health Care Magic

Investments of over $100 million are now close to becoming the predominant class of venture capital deployed in the life sciences. What is behind this shift in venture investing and how might it impact companies' strategy to attract the big bucks.

Financing Market Intelligence

Stock Scan Q1 2018: A Slump And A Proper Correction

The story of the first quarter of 2018 is the impact of the general stock downturn at the end of January and the selective recovery that followed. But even though AbbVie and others had their own private yo-yos, the real correction took a while.

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