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Goodman Co., LTD.

Latest From Goodman Co., LTD.

NinePoint Medical Looks Deep For Barrett’s Esophagus

NinePoint Medical Inc. is looking to shed some insights on the mysteries of the esophagus. The venture-backed start-up launched NvisionVLE, an imaging system that can produce real-time images of the esophagus, enabling gastroenterologists to see where they need to cut when performing biopsies of tests of worrisome esophageal tissue including Barrett’s esophagus.

Medical Device

Deals Update

A roundup of recent medtech strategic alliances, mergers & acquisitions and financings.

Medical Device

Deals Shaping the Medical Industry (01/2011)

The dealmaking column is a survey of recent transactions, including strategic alliances, mergers & acquisitions, and financings, in the life sciences industries. Deals are listed by the following industry sectors: in vitro diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and research/analytical instrumentation and reagents. All transactions are excerpted from Elsevier's Strategic Transactions.

Deals Shaping the Medical Industry (07/2010)

The dealmaking column is a survey of recent transactions, including strategic alliances, mergers & acquisitions, and financings, in the life sciences industries. Deals are listed by the following industry sectors: in vitro diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and research/analytical instrumentation and reagents. All transactions are excerpted from Elsevier's Strategic Transactions database, providing comprehensive transaction coverage from 1991 to the present.

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Company Information

  • Industry
  • Medical Devices
    • Diagnostic Equipment & Supplies
